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Do you not only want to look stylish, but also make a statement? Then our “Bad Choice” shirt is just right for you! In collaboration with Nane from @allesfuerdietiergesundheit we created a design that is intended to draw attention to the abuses of torture breeding. Unfortunately, pets are still bred to either be more productive or to please us humans better. These animals suffer incredible suffering over the course of their lives, which we must not trivialize.
Our shirt shows a Fenchie, a breed of dog that is particularly affected by torture. But in our opinion the list is far too long and an example must be made. With the "Bad Choice" shirt you not only make a statement against cruel breeding and for the welfare of animals, but you also plant a tree for every item sold. Because we at “Thanx for Nothing” are actively committed to environmental protection and sustainability.
Of course the shirt comes in the usual “Thanx for Nothing” quality. It is made from vegan textiles, produced sustainably and fairly. The casual cut and the pleasant cotton quality make it the perfect companion for every day. Show with our "Bad Choice" shirt that you not only look good, but also have a heart and mind and are making a contribution to a greener future.
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Textil- und Printfarbe können von der Abbildung abweichen.
Do you not only want to look stylish, but also make a statement? Then our “Bad Choice” shirt is just right for you! In collaboration with Nane from @allesfuerdietiergesundheit we created a design that is intended to draw attention to the abuses of torture breeding. Unfortunately, pets are still bred to either be more productive or to please us humans better. These animals suffer incredible suffering over the course of their lives, which we must not trivialize.
Our shirt shows a Fenchie, a breed of dog that is particularly affected by torture. But in our opinion the list is far too long and an example must be made. With the "Bad Choice" shirt you not only make a statement against cruel breeding and for the welfare of animals, but you also plant a tree for every item sold. Because we at “Thanx for Nothing” are actively committed to environmental protection and sustainability.
Of course the shirt comes in the usual “Thanx for Nothing” quality. It is made from vegan textiles, produced sustainably and fairly. The casual cut and the pleasant cotton quality make it the perfect companion for every day. Show with our "Bad Choice" shirt that you not only look good, but also have a heart and mind and are making a contribution to a greener future.
Fragen zum Produkt? Kontaktiere uns oder schau in unserem FAQ Center

Vegan Bullerbyn e.V.
Mit deinem Kauf aus dieser Kollektion unterstützt du direkt den Lebenshof Vegan.Bullerbÿn e.V.. Dieser besondere Ort ermöglicht ein harmonisches Zusammenleben von Menschen und Tieren. Auf dem Hof werden Tiere gerettet und beschützt, unabhängig von ihrer herkömmlichen Einteilung in "Haustiere" oder "Nutztiere". Diese Kategorisierungen werden grundsätzlich in Frage gestellt.
Der Lebenshof steht für Werte wie Gleichwertigkeit aller Lebewesen, Ablehnung jeglicher Form von Diskriminierung und das Streben nach einer Gesellschaft ohne starre Regeln und Ungleichheit. Er bietet einen Raum der Begegnung und Heilung, in dem die Bedürfnisse der Tiere im Mittelpunkt stehen und das Bewusstsein für eine ethische Lebensweise gefördert wird.
Durch deine Unterstützung hilfst du nicht nur bei der Pflege und dem Schutz der Tiere, sondern wirst auch Teil einer Bewegung, die sich für ein respektvolles Miteinander von Mensch und Tier, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und ein bewusstes, diskriminierungsfreies Zusammenleben einsetzt.